Archive for November, 2007

Coaching-When Being An Outsider Really Works!

I was reading Scott Ginsberg’s blog the other day and was blown away! For those of you who don’t know about Scott, he is The Man -Who-Wears-A-Nametag all the time! Seriously. He has a great website: HellomynameisScott and is the “Approachability Guy.” Check him out!

Anyway, Scott was talking about how being an outsider can be a position of value and it just really hit home with me. That is exactly why coaching works!

I have often told people that my clients love the support I give them, but the other benefit of having a coach is the objectivity. I am close enough to care about them, yet distant enough to be objective as they discuss the changes they want to make and the actions they want to take.

Scott points out that in being an outsider, you can recognize patterns immediately and this is so true in coaching. People are too close to their own situation and they cannot see it from the outside at all.

As Scott points out, an outsider is detached from the outcome and this is really helpful in coaching. I cannot want an outcome more than my client does.

This is such an important part of the coaching process and part of the reason coaching works so well!



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What I do

I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



November 2007