Archive for April, 2008

Time Magazine “Numbers” and McDonald’s

I love this.  On page 16 of the May 5th issue of Time magazine—The number of calories in a McDonald’s Big Mac meal which includes a burger, fries and soda—1,435 calories. This is followed by the number 130,000–The number of New Yorkers (according to the state health department) who would “avoid obesity if chains like McDonald’s published calorie counts on their menus…”  OK.  Who doesn’t know that this Big Mac Meal is not a good use of calories?  Women, who are of normal weight, probably need 1800-2400 calories a day, depending on their activity level to maintain their weight.  Men, let’s say, 2200-3000 calories.  That meal is about a half to three quarters of the calories for the day, and we aren’t even figuring out the fat yet!!!  But, this is the part that kills me.  Who wouldn’t know that this is not healthy?  Who doesn’t know by now, that soda is one of the worst things to eat and that this meal is NOT GOOD FOR YOU?  So, if McDonald’s would only post the calories, it would stop obesity in 130,000 people?  Please, people, let’s take some responsibility for our choices!

The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

I did not even think of this until after Weston and I wrote the book, but what a great Mother’s Day gift idea!  Creating Space: 38 Strategies to Help You Make Time for What’s Important is perfect for all the crazy, busy women we know!  Better yet, women could buy it for themselves as a gift!  I love it!  🙂

Recovering from “Runner’s Knee”

I have spent the past three weeks doing physical therapy for “runner’s knee.”  It has been frustrating, but my knee is better and I learned a few things.

I had been neglecting important parts of my body.  I need to keep up all different kinds of exercising and not get lulled into the same old, same old.  I hadn’t biked in ages and if I had, it may have helped to keep the quads strong and not as prone to injury. Plus, I forgot what a great work out the exercise bike is! This is a good reminder to me and my clients.  Don’t get into a rut with the exercise!

Also, every session began with heat on my knee.  I had to lie there for twenty minutes, doing nothing. Gasp!  But, as Weston and I say in our book Creating Space, welcome the spaces that are created for you.  I was made tofollow my own advice, and you know what?  It was good advice!  I rested, I thought and it did me good to be still.

I am eager to run again soon, but I will use all the little lessons learned!



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What I do

I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



April 2008