Archive for October, 2008

One More Reason to Love Dr. Jonny Bowden (and Coffee!)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Good News for Starbucks Lovers

This is the title of a blog by Dr. Jonny Bowden and I have to admit that I am really happy about what he wrote!  I beat myself up a lot about the amount of coffee I drink.  I feel that being Diana Fletcher, TotalHealth Coach, I should have the perfect diet.  But I don’t.
I know that I tell my clients to look at their successes, but I have to remind myself that I need to do the same thing.
My coffee drinking is my “wild thing” that I do.  I really like coffee.
So when I read Jonny’s post, I was very happy.
He referred to writing he had previously done…”As I wrote in “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth“, coffee is a major source of antioxidants. In fact in a 2004 Journal of Nutrition study that examined the dietary records of over 2600 adults in Norway, coffee was found to be the single greatest contributor to their total antioxidant intake.
And that’s not all. Studies have shown that drinking six or more cups a day significantly reduces the risk of diabetes! Other studies show it increases alertness, exercise tolerance in heart patients, and decreases the incidence of Parkinson’s and gallstone formation in men.”

Jonny talks about a brand new study from Japan’s National Cancer Center: “The researchers monitored about 54,000 women over the course of 15 years. They divided the women into four groups depending on the amount of coffee they drank.
Women who drank more than 3 cups of coffee every day were more than 60 percent less likely to develop uterine cancer.”

“Coffee may have effects in lowering insulin levels, possibly curing the risks of developing “womb cancer”, the study reported. (Uterine cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women.)

Jonny points out,” This doesn’t mean it’s perfectly cool to drink 16 cups a day. It’s really not. Coffee can give you the jitters (like you didn’t know that!) and can disturb one of the best anti-aging stress reducing strategies in the world- a good nights sleep! Plus it can aggravate PMS.”

But this is my favorite part:

“But if you’re one of those who’s been under the impression that “giving up caffeine” is always, across the board, a good thing, it might be worth taking a second look at that belief.
If you enjoy coffee, I see no reason to stop.
PS: that doesn’t apply to you drinkers of daily 440 calorie sugared concoctions at Starbucks. That stuff’s no good for you, but it’s not because of the coffee!”

posted by Dr. Jonny Bowden

Jonny Bowden, PhD, C.N.S. is a nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition and health and is the author of several best-selling books.



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I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



October 2008