Archive for July, 2009

Even Stress Reducing Experts Get Overwhelmed! Yikes!

I am in the process of undoing what I should not have let myself do in the first place–I went into overload.

I, Diana Fletcher,the Stress-Reducing Expert, was stressed out last week! (But, only for a short while!)

I was waking up with an anxious feeling in the morning, feeling unsure about what I wanted to work on first, since there seemed to be so much to do…and then, it hit me–I had done it again!

I had let my schedule get too crowded and it was affecting my mood and my joy.

I had filled my calendar, not leaving myself time to write, or think, and that does not make me happy.

So, back to basics:

  • Say NO, often, especially to myself!
  • Say YES to sleep, and time with my children & husband
  • Say NO to too much on the calendar
  • Say YES to what brings me joy

I go through this periodically, and each time,
I catch myself a little sooner.

I think it is important to remember that it isn’t always saying no to the outside world, it is first, and foremost, saying no to ourselves.

I want to do all the things that are offered to me and presented to me.
There are people I want to get to know and business opportunities that I want to pursue.
But that doesn’t mean I should.

I have learned to listen to my thoughts and read the signals my body sends me.
This is what I encourage you to do.
Catch the signals and stop yourself from going into overload.

Enjoy your life!

You only have this time, right now–enjoy it!

I am recovering and this was part of my recovery:

  • I stopped everything I was doing to play Yahtzee with my daughter on Sunday. (Really fun, although she beat me!)
  • Took the girls to the pool yesterday, and just ignored the work I had brought. (It was a beautiful day and the sun felt great!)
  • Made sure I got in my walks everyday.
  • Took deep, long breaths anytime I felt pressure from myself or anyone else.

And it has worked! I am feeling good, and I know what needs to get done will get done. That’s it. I am enjoying my life and that is how it should be!

So, it happens less frequently and I seem to catch it
before it goes on too long…and yet….I hope I get to
the point where it doesn’t happen at all anymore!
Aaahhh…perfection…what would that be like?  🙂

Just remember, we all go through the overload, but what is important is to recognize it and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

“Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviours demonstrate that you are saying yes or not to in life?” —Eric Allenbaugh



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What I do

I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



July 2009