Archive for January, 2008

Quick Foods That Are Healthy, Part II, Meals

Eggs and Toast, Eggs and Waffles, Eggs and Pancakes:  Think outside the box.  Breakfast Foods can be dinner or lunch. Eggs are easy.  There are a variety of ways to fix them, and they can be a very healthy addition to meals. Whole wheat toast is best and I recommend Kashi waffles or Whole Grain Pancakes.  Use a small amount of real maple syrup or all fruit jam/jelly on the grains.

Tortillas filled with good stuff: There are many kinds of soft tortillas available now and are usually found near the deli or in the dairy section of regular grocery stores.  You can fill these with chopped, saute’ed vegetables, or veggies and chicken and top the mix with salsa or low fat cheese.  Quick, easy, and healthy!

Gavin DeBecker on Oprah

Gavin deBecker’s book The Gift of Fear was written ten years ago and Oprah had him as a guest this past Tuesday, January 29th. I wonder how many lives this man has saved. I wonder how many attacks he has thwarted. I wonder how many times he has helped women or girls avoid something terrible from happening to them or their friends. After reading this book the first time, I was in awe at what I had learned. DeBecker writes about how to listen to this gift we all have–this gift of fear–this gift of intuition that tells us when something is not right. If you are a woman who has not read this book, please read it immediately. If you are a man, please give this to your wife, girlfriend or daughter. I buy copies of this book and give them away to women all the time. I ask them to pass it on to their daughters or friends, and tell those people to do the same. For those of you who want to buy this, you can go to my website and do it very easily. Click on the resource page, then click on books, then The Gift of Fear, and you will be taken to Used or new copies copies are available. This book could save your life. Read it.

Quick Foods That Are Healthy ( Part 1)


  • Fruit (Note: Do not hide fruit in a refrigerator drawer. Wash the fruit and put it in the fridge at eye level for easy viewing and grabbing. Put bananas and apples in a bowl on the counter for quick snacking.)
  • Veggies like carrots, red pepper strips, celery
  • Applesauce, yogurt For the applesauce, organic is best, without sugar is next. As for yogurt, go with organic. Very few will like it without sugar.
  • Raisins Keep them where you can see them! Small packages or baggies can be made up ahead of time.
  • Pretzels Far better than chips, etc. when you want a salty, crunchy snack. (Make sure you get them without fat!)
  • Baked Potato Can be cleaned, forked, and cooked in the microwave in 10 minutes. Don’t overdo toppings.
    • NOTE: Don’t make healthy snacks compete with cookies and cake in the house. Don’t buy it and you can’t eat it!

Let’s Not Make Resolutions!

This is my idea for 2008.  No resolutions!  I think we need to change our thinking before we can even begin to change habits.  We set ourselves up for failure before we even get started, because we haven’t focused on the most important thing—our thoughts! We keep thinking over and over about what we don’t want.  We need to focus on what we truly want in our lives.  Yes, I am talking about the same ideas as in The Secret.  I love The Secret!  What’s wrong with imagining your life the way you want it to be and then making the changes to have that life?  I have lived with these ideas since I was in my early twenties. (Way before The Secret was out!) I broke my neck in a car accident and I was so grateful that I wasn’t paralyzed or dead.  I  then realized a couple things:  One was that I was not invincible, and two, that I was going to make sure I was happy in this life.  It did not happen overnight. I did not have an easy time of it, but ultimately keeping that idea of how I wanted it to be, worked!  I am living a happy life, with  a wonderful husband, great kids, good friends and great times!  Life can be very good.  But you have to think it can be good before it can happen.



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I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



January 2008