Archive for August, 2008

Thinking About Autumn, Holiday Parties, and Busy Entrepreneurs

I have been busy lately and have not written in my blog.  Thoughts of Autumn, changes I am making, and programs I am offering, are keeping me busy, and I haven’t had a chance to write as much.

I have been thinking about the holidays already.  Since some of my clients are weight loss clients, I started thinking about how being overweight and “out of shape” can influence the enjoyment of the holidays. When you have weight issues, it colors all your feelings about holiday parties and outings.  You cannot wear the outfits you want to wear.  You think about the remarks certain relatives always make.  You think about the treats you would like to eat, and you already start feeling guilty.

I am offering a three-month-program, this Fall, with this in mind. I am hoping that I can help more people get over these feelings.  I believe that we don’t have to diet, go off a diet, diet, go off a diet.  There is a way to eat what we want and still maintain a healthy weight.  I would like to work with even more people and let them feel good about themselves this coming Holiday season. I would love to help someone knock off that twenty or twenty five pounds. Carrying around that weight makes life tougher and more stressful. My clients have had so much success working with me on these issues.  We work together and come up with a way to live that can keep them happy, healthy and having fun.

Another thing that is keeping me busy is the new e-zine Weston Lyon and I are launching this September.  Twice a month, subscribers will receive, Have It All, an ezine for Crazy, Busy Entrepreneurs!  We are very excited about being able to offer this and we know it will halp a lot op people with tips and advice.

I will write more about both of these exciting events again, very soon!

High Fat vs. Low Fat

The diet debates go on.  In May, The new England Journal of Medicine published the results of a one-year study of 63 people who were randomly assigned either a low carb, high protein diet (Like the Atkins), or a more conventional, low calorie, high carb, low fat, like the Mediterranean diet.  I am not going to discuss the findings here because I don’t think they mean anything anyway.

This is what I think.  People have to stop “dieting.”  I have never felt that any extreme way of eating is good.  It cannot be continued, and the person ends up craving every food they deny themselves.

The most sensible way to eat, is in moderation.  We know we shouldn’t eat fast foods.  But once a week, is not going to kill someone.  We know high fat foods are not good, but having a treat once a week and knowing that it is ok to do so, could save someone from an all-out unhealthy binge.

You absolutely love chocolate?  There are ways to work a little bit  at a time into a healthy diet.  Like to snack?—there are low fat substitutes to replace chips and cheese.

Of course, it is hard to break habits and it can be difficult to start eating fruit and vegetables if you are not used to those.  But it can be done.  You add one  fruit or veggie a day until it becomes a habit.  Little by little, you can replace bad habits with good ones. You replace one soda a day with water.  Once you get the hang of that, you try for more–little baby steps to make big changes.

And as the weight comes off, it will stay off, because there will be no “going off the diet“—you’ve created a new way of livng!



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What I do

I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



August 2008