Archive for September 11th, 2008

Pennsylvania Smoking Ban Becomes Law Today

I know this will annoy a lot of people but I am so happy about this ban.  I am so tired of sitting in the no smoking section, but being near the smoking section in a restaurant, and having my meal ruined by the smell of smoke.

I used to be a smoker a lifetime ago, and I know how much fun it is before you are addicted.  It was one of the most difficult things I ever did when I quit.  But it is really stupid to smoke.  I have done stupid things, and I have witnessed stupid things.  This rates up there near the top!

I have lost many people because of their smoking.  People I loved and will always miss.  That’s what smokers don’t realize when they say, “It’s none of your business!”  It is the business of other people. There are the strangers who have to put up with the dangerous smoke and disgusting ashtrays, and the people who care about the smoker–children, lovers, friends… They are affected and in a Huge way!

I wish no one could smoke.  I know, I know, freedom of choice and all that…but, I still wish no one smoked.



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I am a Certified Life Coach, Author and Speaker and am an expert at helping people reduce stress. I work with individual clients and facilitate workshops and coaching for groups in my coaching practice. I am the author of three books and as a speaker, author, and coach, I offer easy-to-incorporate strategies to help people reduce stress. We cannot always change things around us, but we can change what's inside of us.



September 2008